Wednesday 29 May 2013

Diggin' - the aftermath!

My dear, archaeological digging is so...excellent, exciting, extreme....exhausting!

After two weeks, I'm back in the world of connectivity and can tell you a little about my time at Vindolanda, just a mile from Hadrian's Wall, where four centuries, at least, of garrisons were stationed.  Though not consecutively, I discovered; apparently, as each cohort was moved on, they destroyed everything so there was nothing left that could be used to create a rebel stronghold.

Consequently, we were uncovering a section of the 4th century phase and, when that's been thoroughly researched and documented,  will be dug up to reveal the earlier site!

I'm afraid my dreams of finding jewellery and shoes came to nothing - two coins and the hilt of a knife though brooches, rings, a  pendant and half a rare glass bangle were unearthed as well as much pottery.

It definitely wasn't a relaxing holiday but if you're inclined to exchange chic little boutiques, elegant galleries and gourmet food, volunteering on a dig provides good company, much intellectual stimulus ....and a work out that no gym could ever offer.  As one of the younger women commented....'Buns like steel!'

From that to Ascot!  I've just been doing some research about the fashion trends for this year.  'Left Bank Lipstick' from Deborah Dalton Millinery is my favourite ...and is a little smaller than one of Philip  Treacey's new designs.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Romans! Digging! Rain!

Well, my dear, have you heard?  I'm in Northumbria, near to Hadrian's  Wall, at Vindolanda ready to begin digging tomorrow morning.

It's raining very hard, the temperature is low, the earth will be very wet and heavy.....but we are expecting to find lots of lovely things...of course, I hope it'll be jewellery, possibly shoes and a classy piece of pottery would be wonderful!

Will definitely need my wooly hat....though I have a very useful and pretty one for when the sun shines!

Will tell you more later on this week.

About Me

Hello, my dears. I'm Clare, a discerning woman who enjoys all aspects of life from the grand and dressy to the muddy and messy! I like to laugh, eat cake and drink champagne. My luxury, if I was cast away on a desert island, would be an endless supply of Earl Grey tea and pillow! I know that's two things but I can't do without either. I always need to find new challenges so, at the moment, it's improving my French to a high level of fluency and understanding. If money were no object, I'd order a couture Chanel jacket - and then find the perfect little hat go go with it. (I also have a 'thing' about hats - hence the cartoon!)